Become a member!

Activate UTS

Becoming a member with us via Activate is the first step in joining our community and gaining access to many of our events and our sponsor benefits! Otherwise, keep up with the club via your platform of choice using the links below

The main place for the community, find everything you need here!
For our official posts and event details
Find our event photos and event announcements!
See occasional updates and event announcements!

Free food being handed out to members at our Food Care Package event

Benefits of joining

By joining us you not only become a part of an amazing community full of great, fun and interesting people, but you also gain many more benefits!

Benefits such as discounts at our sponsor's stores, entries into our giveaways, discounts at our major Anime Sydney events (Like camp & Easter party), free food at certain events, freebies at events like orientation & Christmas, eligibility to big prizes at our events and so much more.